Here is a collection of Coleman documents and instructions I either have in my possession, was gifted by other stove collectors, or that I have personally collected. I’ll add more from time to time as I process and scan other documents on Coleman stoves. I hope that it helps some of you who are looking for information on these old vintage rarities. The really good images are the larger PDFs. Just click on the hyper-linked document name to download the PDF. Or, for those with limited bandwidth, click on the screen-readable JPGs for faster, but less detailed, viewing.
1945 Coleman 457 Handy Gas Plant Instructions Full-size 300 dpi PDF 2.7MB
smaller 72 dpi JPG 314KB
smaller 72 dpi JPG 383KB
Coleman 348 Marine Alcohol Stove Instructions 3.3MB
smaller 72dpi JPG 234KB
smaller 72dpi JPG 328KB
Coleman 419 Stove Instructions 28.8MB
smaller 72dpi JPG 616KB
smaller 72dpi JPG 657KB
Coleman 500 Stove Instruction Sheet 25MB
smaller 72dpi JPG 495KB
smaller 72dpi JPG 572KB
Coleman 500 Stove Manual 11.4MB
smaller 72dpi JPG 296KB
smaller 72dpi JPG 320KB
Coleman 511A700 cat heater exploded diagram 557KB
smaller 72dpi JPG 354KB